Sunday, November 16, 2008

KP's Top 10 Fat Burning Boot Camp Exercises

Results – It’s what it’s all about.

There’s nothing more a client of mine wants and deserves. No results = No clients!

Since 2006, I’ve been running the KP Fitness Boot Camp, and my client’s results are the key to my success. 90% of my client’s want to lose ugly, unhealthy body fat.

The key to getting the results they want is to develop an efficiently-effective program.
In other words, I need to design a plan of fat-attack!

My mission: to develop a high calorie burning workout to be performed in the shortest amount of time possible.

My weapons: body weight, dumbbells, resistance bands.

My plan: Well, if I had a gun to my head, I’d give up this list of 10 of my all-time fat blasting boot camp exercises!

Warning: These are Total Body Fat-Blasting Exercises

Dumbbell Swing – Single Arm
Squat & Curl
Squat & Row -
Squat Thrust
Lunge & Press
Jumping Jacks
Low-Box Combo
Power Lunges
Resistance Band Runs / Shuffles

My top 10 favorite fat burning exercises can be divided into super-set, or tri-sets.
I love to pick 2 and run through a 4-minute blitz with our 20:10 audio workout muse soundtrack! Killer!

Serious calories burned!

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